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Table 1 Challenges, advantages, uncertainties and time allotted for each process involved in creation of sampling frame by student user with no prior experience

From: Using remote, spatial techniques to select a random household sample in a dispersed, semi-nomadic pastoral community: utility for a longitudinal health and demographic surveillance system


Time required (h)




Stage 1: Creation of placemarks for all single-standing structures and bomas (Google Earth Pro)


Poor visibility and or contrast

Previous images easily referenced

Potential for structures to be missed

Time consuming

Easy to mark precise location (independent of occassional mosaicking)

Structures appear and disppear within short time frames so most recent image may not reflect current conditions

Most recent image not available for all areas

No official data necessary to include all potential residences


Cloud cover


Potential for structures to be missed

Bulky interface within Google Earth Pro when editing placemarks

Relatively quick process

Inaccuracy due to nomadism

Stage 2: Compilation of metadata (Microsoft Excel)


Have to enter each placemark individually

Easily imported to ArcGIS

Potential for data entry error

Time consuming

Stage 3: Cleaning sample frame with local expert


Orienting expert to this technique and aerial and satellite imagery

Elimination of non-household placemarks; robust sample frame
