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Table 1 Comparison of commonly accessed hepatitis A maps.

From: Challenges to mapping the health risk of hepatitis A virus infection

Map Source


Data Sources Listed

Target Audience

Risk Categories

Cutoffs for Risk Categories Listed


CDC: Travelers' Health 2008 (Yellow Book) [24]

"Prevalence of antibody to hepatitis A virus, 2006"


Travel clinics and travelers from low prevalence areas

Prevalence of antibody to Hepatitis A Virus:

* High

* Intermediate

* Low


"Estimates of prevalence of antibody to hepatitis A virus (anti-HAV), a marker of previous HAV infection, are based on limited data and might not reflect current prevalence. In addition, anti-HAV prevalence might vary within countries by subpopulation and locality. As used on this map, the terms 'high,' 'medium,' and 'low' endemicity reflect available evidence of how widespread HAV infection is within each country, rather than precise quantitative assessments."

WHO: International Travel & Health Report (2008) [23]

"Hepatitis A, countries or areas at risk"


Travel clinics and travelers from low prevalence areas

* Countries or areas with moderate to high risk


"The risk of infection is based on estimated prevalence rate of antibody to hepatitis A (anti-HAV) - a marker of previous HAV infection - among population. This marker is based on limited data and may not reflect current prevalence."

Jacobsen, 2010 [9]

"Estimated prevalence of hepatitis A virus, 2005"


Clinicians and researchers

Anti-HAV endemicity:

* High

* Intermediate

* Low

* Very low

Yes, by percent immune by age

"Evidentiary support indicated as very limited, limited, moderate, or extensive based on number of articles per country in each world region."

Nothdurft, 2008 [26]

"Worldwide pattern of the prevalence of hepatitis A virus"


Clinicians and researchers

Anti-HAV prevalence:

* High

* Transitional

* Intermediate

* Low or Very Low


None listed.

Bell, 2002 [25]

"Geographic distribution of the prevalence of hepatitis A virus"


Clinicians and researchers

Anti-HAV prevalence:

* High

* Transitional

* Intermediate

* Low or Very Low


"Based on summary of available data."