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Table 4 Advantages and disadvantages of logistic regression, boosted regression trees, cross-validated logistic regression and Maxent model

From: Modelling zoonotic diseases in humans: comparison of methods for hantavirus in Sweden




Logistic regression

-Best goodness-of-fit and predictive power

-Need of real absence points

-Inclusion of variables reflecting the surrounding environment


-Account for non-linearity of biological processes

-Need of real absence points

-Modelling of interactions

-Impossible to see all three at one time

-Inclusion of variables reflecting the surrounding environment

-Difficulty to extrapolate

CV method

-Available sites instead of absence sites

-Fastidious calculations

-Inclusion of variables reflecting the surrounding environment

-Limited value compared to logistic regression

Maxent model

-Ease of use

-Complex estimators, difficulty to extrapolate

-Spatially continuous results

-Need of spatially continuous data

-Accounts for non-linearity of biological processes

-Limited by the coarsest resolution and the smallest extent of variables