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Figure 2 | International Journal of Health Geographics

Figure 2

From: An ecological study on childhood autism

Figure 2

Predicted effect of EPA’s risk index for neurological diseases based on air emmissions on county prevalence of autism in 2005 for different levels of heating degree days (low =1914, median =3004, and high = 3718) using our final model (unstandardized) and maintaining all other other variables in the model constant at their mean value. Expected percent autism 0.5 = 0.47529 - 0.000927187 *Surface drinking Water - 0.00867663 *Avg. unemployment + 0.0000236374* annual precipitation −0.0000230421* HDD + 2.53316 * EPA Neurological Disease Risk+ 0.00733637 *suicide rate 0.00000989236 * precipitation* drinking water −0.00069674* EPA Neurological Disease Risk * HDD. The reference state (Washington), was used to create the interaction plot and data were back transformed before they were graphed.

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