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Table 1 Maternal demographic and clinical characteristics in the study area (N = 195,500)

From: Geospatial analyses to identify clusters of adverse antenatal factors for targeted interventions


n (%)


  <20 year

6431 (3.3)

  20 – <35 years

149,762 (76.6)

  35+ years

39,307 (20.1)

Country of birth


106,769 (54.6)


88,731 (45.4)

Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage

(missing = 1,883)

  Most disadvantage

64,541 (33.3)

  Middle disadvantage and Least disadvantage

129078 (66.7)

Number of babies


5,886 (3.0)


189,614 (97.0)

Primiparous (missing = 448)


83,263 (42.6)


111,789 (57.2)

First antenatal visit (missing = 3,049)

  ≥10 weeks

60,041 (30.7)

  <10 weeks

132,410 (67.7)

Smoking during pregnancy (missing = 1,613)


22,635 (11.6)


171,252 (87.6)