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Table 1 Five components of neighborhood social capital: overview of indicators and results of factor and reliability analyses

From: Neighborhood differences in social capital in Ghent (Belgium): a multilevel approach

Summative scale and individual items


Factor loadings (1) & Cronbach’s Alpha (2)

Social cohesion


0.83 (2)

1. People around here are willing to help their neighbors

Strongly Agree → Strongly Disagree**

0.78 (1)

2. This is a close-knit neighborhood

Strongly Agree → Strongly Disagree**

0.71 (1)

3. People in this neighborhood can be trusted

Strongly Agree → Strongly Disagree**

0.69 (1)

4. Contacts between inhabitants in this neighborhood are generally positive

Strongly Agree → Strongly Disagree**

0.81 (1)

Informal social control


0.87 (2)

How likely is it that you could count on neighbors intervening when…


1. Children were skipping school and hang out on a street corner

Very Likely → Very Unlikely**

0.69 (1)

2. Children were spray-painting graffiti on a local building

Very Likely → Very Unlikely**

0.74 (1)

3. Children were showing disrespect to an adult

Very Likely → Very Unlikely**

0.74 (1)

4. A fight breaks out in front of their house

Very Likely → Very Unlikely**

0.75 (1)

5. Children were making too much racket

Very Likely → Very Unlikely**

0.70 (1)

6. Children are using soft drugs (smoking weed, hasj, etc.)

Very Likely → Very Unlikely**

0.74 (1)

Social support


0.79 (2)

1. People in this neighborhood give or advice to each other (emotional/informational support).

Never → Often*

0.70 (1)

2. People in this neighborhood give material aid and assistance to each other (tangible support)

Never → Often*

0.80 (1)

3. People in this neighborhood show affection for each other (affectionate support).

Never → Often*

0.61 (1)

4. People in this neighborhood can call on each other to do enjoyable things (positive social interaction).

Never → Often*

0.68 (1)

Social Leverage


0.88 (2)

How often does it happen that people in this neighborhood give each other advice on…


1. Child rearing

Never → Often*

0.71 (1)

2. Job openings

Never → Often*

0.80 (1)

3. Welfare and other benefits

Never → Often*

0.77 (1)

4. Education and courses

Never → Often*

0.81 (1)

5. Finances

Never → Often*

0.74 (1)

Generalized Trust


0.76 (2)

Most people in this neighborhood can be trusted

0 → 10

0.71 (1)

Most people in this neighborhood would try to take advantage of you

0 → 10

0.75 (1)

Most people in this neighborhood try to be helpful

0 → 10

0.68 (1)

  1. Note: * 4- point Likert scale; **5- point Likert scale; original questionnaire in Dutch.