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Table 3 Realization of the control measurement and achieving the recommended level of HbA1c by 2-class area classification

From: Do the classification of areas and distance matter to the assessment results of achieving the treatment targets among type 2 diabetes patients?

2-class classification of areas

Numbers of patients and their areal percentage distribution

Proportions of HbA1c measured patients to the diagnosed (%)

Proportions of HbA1c <7 % patients to the measured (%)

Patients’ mean driving distances and the rangesa in km

Population center = urban

6754 (70.3 %)



2.1 (0–22.5)

Outside population center = rural

2852 (29.7 %)



14.9 (1–91.8)


9606 (100 %)


5.9 (0–91.8)

  1. aMinimum and maximum values in brackets