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Table 1 Overview of the manipulated micro-environmental factors and their specific levels

From: Which environmental factors most strongly influence a street’s appeal for bicycle transport among adults? A conjoint study using manipulated photographs

Type of cycle path

C1. No cycle path

C2. Cycle path, separated from traffic by marked white lines

C3. Cycle path, separated from traffic with a curb, not separated from walking path by color

C4. Cycle path separated from traffic with a hedge, not separated from walking path by color

C5. Cycle path separated from traffic with a curb, separated from walking path by color

C6. Cycle path separated from traffic with a hedge, separated from walking path by color

Speed limit

S1. 50 km/h

S2. 30 km/h

Speed bump

B1. Absent

B2. Present


V1. No trees

V2. Two trees

V3. Four trees

Evenness of the cycle path surface

E1. Very uneven surface

E2. Moderately uneven surface

E3. Even surface

General upkeep

M1. Bad upkeep (much graffiti and litter)

M2. Moderate upkeep (a bit of graffiti and litter)

M3. Good upkeep (no graffiti or litter)

Traffic density

D1. Four cars + truck

D2. Three cars

D3. One car