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Table 1 Data source to characterize the neighbourhood context

From: Developing a data-driven spatial approach to assessment of neighbourhood influences on the spatial distribution of myocardial infarction




Provider (Year)

Exhaustivity of location data

Domain 1: socioeconomic environment


Total population

% of born abroad

French National Census Bureau (INSEE- Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques) (1999)



Unemployment rate

% of Blue collars among the active population with permanent jobs

Non-permanent job rate


Data available from census block level



% Persons aged 15+ without qualification




People aged 15 years or older with at least a lower tertiary education


People aged 15 years or older who did not go beyond an elementary education



% of single-parent families



% of households with no car

% of households with 2 cars



% of population entitled to family allowance

Statistics department of CAF (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales) (2007)


% of population entitled to safety net income


Domain 2: public resources

Healthcare system

Location of doctors’ surgeries—Location of healthcare centres

Regional health agency/French National Directory of Health and Social Establishments (2007)

Systematic census of all doctor and healthcare centre addresses located in the SMA


Public transportation supply

Location of bus and tram stop and the number of lines served at each

SMA authority (2008)

Exact location ground-truthing


Public parks and gardens

Location and area of public parks and gardens

SMA authority et CIGAL Spatial Data Infrastructure (Coopération pour l’Information Géographique en Alsace) (2008)

Systematic census conducted by the SMA authority (using ground-truthing) of all public parks (where inhabitants may practice sport)


Sport facilities

Location of sport facilities

Great-East regional and district office DRDJS (Office of Youth and Sports) (2008)

Systematic census of all sports facilities by the Office of Youth and Sports, using ground-truthing

Domain 3: psychosocial environment

Local businesses

Location of retail outlets

Location of food markets

SMA authority (2008)

Systematic census of retail outlets and food markets conducted by the SMA authority using ground-truthing of itinerant vendors only (small markets)


Characterization of educational facilities

Number and type of Violence in schools

Official education institutions (Ministère de l’éducation). (2007)


Schools’ social scores

Inspection d’académie (Ministère de l’éducation)


Exact location and characteristics of education facilities provided by the official educational institutions that manage these schools


Primary/middle and secondary (high) schools ZEP (priority) and successful (AR) middle schools

SMA authority and official education institutions



Map showing primary and middle schools

Secondary (High) schools

General Council of the Bas-Rhin and official education institutions (2007)


SMA authority and official education institutions (2007)


Voting rates

Voting rates

The City Halls of Strasbourg (2000–2008)



Civic associations

Location of civic associations

SMA authority and SIRENE databases (2000–2008)


Type of civic associations: Religious, political, volunteer


Exact location of association without use of ground-truthing

  1. SMA Strasbourg metropolitan area