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Table 1 General characteristics of study population

From: Mobility assessment of a rural population in the Netherlands using GPS measurements



Total respondents in data analysis (N)


Ageb [mean, (range)]

57.0 (20.4–72.0)

Sexb [N males, (%)]

391 (44.9)

Education levelb: low [N (%)]

217 (24.9)

Medium [N (%)]

391 (44.9)

High [N (%)]

262 (30.1)

Job statusa [N, working (%)]

592 (68.0)

Number of workdays per weeka (mean, range)

2.1 (0-7)

Working from homea [N (% of people with job)]

144 (24.3)

Outdoor occupationa [N (% of people with job)]

70 (11.8)

Outdoor occupationa [Hours per day(mean, range)]

4.6 (1–16)

  1. Data obtained from Q1 (a) and VGO baseline questionnaire (b) [22, 23]