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Table 1 Homogeneity Index guidelines for acceptance/rejection of proposed region defined by socioeconomic decile distribution

From: A framework for the identification and classification of homogeneous socioeconomic areas in the analysis of health care variation


Homogeneity Index (HI) guidelines for acceptance/rejection of proposed region defined by socioeconomic decile distribution P10

Equally populated deciles specification


Decision support system


\(HI\left( 4 \right) \le HI\left( {P_{10} } \right) \le HI\left( 1 \right)\)

\(68.53 \le HI\left( {P_{10} } \right) \le 100\)

Proposed region is acceptably homogeneous


\(HI\left( 5 \right) \le HI\left( {P_{10} } \right) < HI\left( 4 \right)\)

\(57.62 \le HI\left( {P_{10} } \right) < 68.53\)

Marginal heterogeneity—reassignment of some units may be beneficial


\(HI\left( 6 \right) \le HI\left( {P_{10} } \right) < HI\left( 5 \right)\)

\(46.62 \le HI\left( {P_{10} } \right) < 57.62\)

Judgement required whether to accept homogeneous region or to reassign units to other regions to improve homogeneity of current grouping units


\(HI\left( {10} \right) \le HI\left( {P_{10} } \right) < HI\left( 6 \right)\)

\(0 \le HI\left( {P_{10} } \right) < 46.62\)

Proposed region is heterogeneous—reassignment of some units is needed

  1. HI(s): HI’s value of s equally populated deciles, s = 1, 4, 5, 6, 10