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Table 1 Summary of spatial SIDS cluster detection analysis by different models

From: Spatially varying effects of measured confounding variables on disease risk



Generalized pattern recognition procedure

Spatial scan statistic

Higher rates

1.Northeast (6 counties: 5 Level-H1 and 1 Level-H2) with combined incidence of 4.98

2.South (6 counties: 1 Level-H1 and 5 Level-H2) with combined incidence of 4.06

3.Mid-East (6 counties: 1 Level-H1 and 5 Level-H3) with combined incidence of 3.09

1.Most likely disease cluster in the northeast (4 counties) with combined incidence of 5.12

2.Secondary disease cluster in the south (6 counties) with combined incidence of 3.76

Lower rates

1.Northwest (6 counties: 4 Level-L1 and 2 Level-L2) with combined incidence of 0.28

2.Mid-West (9 counties: 1 Level-L1 and 8 Level-L2) with combined incidence of 0.70

3.East (3 counties: 3 Level-L1) with combined incidence of 0.0

1.Most likely disease cluster in the mid-west (14 counties) with combined incidence of 1.10

  1. The incidence rate in this table indicates the value of raw incidence per 1000 live births