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Fig. 1 | International Journal of Health Geographics

Fig. 1

From: Characterization of prehospital time delay in primary percutaneous coronary intervention for acute myocardial infarction: analysis of geographical infrastructure-dependent and -independent components

Fig. 1

Pathways and time courses of transport to the primary PCI. In prehospital time, geographical infrastructure-independent time (eDAD) exists both immediately after the onset of illness and at other times. An example of the former is the time of hesitation before taking action to see a doctor, and an example of the latter is the time spent for transport via a non-PCI facility. TIT total ischemic time, PST prehospital system time, ODT onset-to-door time, DBT door-to-balloon time, FMCTB first-medical-contact-to-balloon time, DIDO door-in-to-door-out time. We simulated min-PST (travel time from each onset point to the nearest PCI facility) using ArcGIS Pro (ESRI, Inc., Charlotte, NC, USA). eDAD (estimated delay-in-arrival-to-door; ODT minus min-PST) means the amount of room in prehospital time for improvement

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